Latest News

MNUSA Region 2 Annual Meeting

We would like to take this time to reach out to all the members and invite you to the MnUSA Region 2 Annual Meeting. This meeting is at the end of every snowmobiling season in April. The purpose of these meetings is to allow all the clubs to come together and discuss the past, present…

February 2025 Club Update

N E W S  L E T T E R Greetings Everyone, It was sure great to see all those sleds parked outside of The Hwy. 5 Bar & Grill for our February meeting before ‘ol mother nature whacked us in the face with unseasonably warm weather. The trails at this point are basically junk…

January 2025 Club Update

Greetings, We hope you had a great Christmas and Happy New Years to all. 50 PathBlazers members joined together at our last monthly meeting and Christmas Gift Exchange at Valentini’s to celebrate the season and take care of some club business at the same time. What a great time! We can’t cover all the fun,…

Youth Snowmobile Safety Certification

PathBlazer Snowmobile Club welcomed 13 new youth snowmobile riders to the snowmobiling community on January 4th.   The PathBlazer’s would like to extend a sincere thank you to DNR Conservation Officer, Marc Johnson, for speaking with the kids about safe snowmobile operations.  The next youth training course will be offered on March 15th. – CANCELLED DUE…

December 2024 Club Update

While our trail coordinator, Joe McKenney, is out with a crew working hard to get the trails ready for YOU, we just wanted to bring you some other updates and reminders. Monthly Meeting and Christmas Gift Exchange at Valentini’s in Chisholm Wednesday December 18, 2024. A buffet is available if you choose to dine while…

Youth Snowmobile Safety Training Dates: 2024-2025 Season

Youth snowmobile safety training dates have been set and will be performed at the PathBlazer’s Snowmobile clubhouse in Chisholm. Requirements: Students must be 11 years of age before class start date. Certificate becomes valid at age 12. Student must complete the online portion of the snowmobile safety training prior to the hands-on training. Online training…

November 2024 Club Update

Hi Folks, Here is a little of what is going on with the PathBlazers. There will be some in town trail work this Saturday Nov. 16th. We will meet up behind the Greyhound Museum @ 9:00am and go from there. ATV/UTV use is permitted in these areas during hunting and blaze orange is recommended. Other trail work…

New Groomer – Trail Work – Club Overnight Ride Information

Hello Everyone, First off, don’t forget we have a couple events this weekend that you may want to be involved in. Friday, October 25th, a very exciting day for the PathBlazers club and it’s members! After almost a year, blood sweat and tears by some hard working members, our NEW Piston Bully groomer will arrive!…

October 2024 Club Update

N E W S  L E T T E R October 2, 2024 Hello Everyone, Welcome to the ’24-’25 snowmobile season! Even though it still seems like summer, we kicked off the season with our first meeting at Mike’s Pub on September 18th. What a awesome turnout. It was great to see everyone and welcome some…

PathBlazers Snowmobile Club Prepares for the Upcoming Season

PathBlazers is preparing for snowmobile season | Local | CHISHOLM – After an atypical winter last year, the PathBlazers Snowmobile Club of Chisholm/Hibbing and Side Lake, is hoping there will be plenty of snow this year. For the second year in a row, the club is hosting an open house as an opportunity to…