Hi Folks,
Here is a little of what is going on with the PathBlazers. There will be some in town trail work this Saturday Nov. 16th. We will meet up behind the Greyhound Museum @ 9:00am and go from there. ATV/UTV use is permitted in these areas during hunting and blaze orange is recommended. Other trail work will continue after deer season as weather and freeze up allows. Contact trail coordinator Joe McKenney at 218-969-9717 for more info.
Our next monthly meeting will be Wednesday, November 20, 2024 at Sammy’s Pizza in Hibbing. The meeting starts at 6:00pm. As always, we ask that you bring some nonperishable food items, which this month goes to The Hibbing Salvation Army. We hope you can join us.
MnUSA Raffle calendars are back and will be available at November’s monthly meeting. They are $20 each and limited in supply. Contact Secretary Dave Houghton at 218-969-0316 if you are interested in getting one (or two). And congratulations to PathBlazers member Hanna Stahl as she was Nov. 4th’s $25 WINNER!
PathBlazers club ride will be on Friday, January 31 – February 2, 2025, and Crane Lake will be this year’s destination. Plans are to leave on Friday from Chisholm and journey to Crane Lake. Saturday is planned to be a tour day, and Sunday will be the return trip home. Not a member? No problem! Everyone is welcome to join us. The recommended places to stay are
Cabins on Crane (218-993-2401 or https://cabinsoncrane.com/) or
The Voyagaire Lodge (https://www.voyagaire.
Here are some other upcoming events known to us at this time.
Nov. 20 – PathBlazers monthly mtg, Sammy’s Pizza, starts at 6pm
Nov./Dec. – On going trail work, watch for details
Dec. 18 – PathBlazers monthly mtg and Christmas Gift Exchange (opt.), Valentini’s, buffet dinner, RSVP req’d
Dec/Jan – Snowmobile Safety Field Training, TBD based on conditions, more info Jim @ 218-969-0871 or Jess @ 218-966-8231
Jan. 15 – PathBlazers monthly mtg, Riverside Inn (TBD), starts 6pm
Jan. 31-Feb. 2 – PathBlazers Club Ride, to Crane Lake, contact Jamie @ 218-969-7702 for more info
Feb. 6-9 – MnUSA Winter Rendezvous, Hampton Inn & Suites, Bemidji, www.mnsnowmobiler.org
Feb. 7 – Blackwood’s Never Surrender to fight ALS Tour stops at PathBlazers for lunch
Feb. 19 – PathBlazers monthly meeting, The HWY 5 (TBD), starts at 6pm
Hope to see you soon,
PathBlazers Snowmobile Club