We would like to take this time to reach out to all the members and invite you to the MnUSA Region 2 Annual Meeting. This meeting is at the end of every snowmobiling season in April. The purpose of these meetings is to allow all the clubs to come together and discuss the past, present and future state of our snowmobile trail system, funding, rules and regulations, etc., and how it effects our clubs and trails. This year it is especially important as the bleak snow fall of the ’24-’25 season could have our G.I.A. (Grant-In-Aid) on the ropes for ’25-’26. This was a hot topic at this years MnUSA Winter Rendezvous in Bemidji. DNR officials at the meeting pointed out that when only 48% of eligible snowmobilers renew their licenses, that is a big hit on the dedicated account. With that being said, we encourage everyone to please renew their sled license.
This years meeting will be on Saturday, April 12, 2025 and is being hosted by The Drift Skippers Snowmobile Club at their clubhouse in Grand Rapids, MN. The business meeting will be from 3-5pm, social hour starting at 5pm (byob), and dinner starting at 5:30pm.
If you have an interest in attending this Region 2 meeting, please see the attachments in this email. RSVP is required. The cost of the dinner is $30, but if you are just going to the business meeting, there is No Charge. RSVP is to be sent in by March 31, 2025
We will be talking about this meeting in more detail at our next PathBlazers Monthly Meeting coming up on Thursday, March 20, 2025 at Bimbo’s Octagon in Side Lake, MN. The meeting starts at 6pm and please don’t forget your nonperishable food donation.
If you have any questions or comments about the MnUSA Region 2 meeting, or anything else for that matter, please contact one of the board members listed below a call, we will do our best to help.
Registration Link:
MNUSA Region 2 Annual Meeting 2025 – DriftSkippers
Meeting Agenda Link:
MNUSA Region 2 Annual Meeting 2025 – AGENDA
Secretary, Dave Houghton – 263-5889 President, Dan Marich – 996-1003
Chair, Jodi Olson – 966-7817
Co- Chair/Trail Coordinator, Joe McKenney – 969-9717
Treasurer, Erin Schirmer – 969-6125