2025 Youth Snowmobile Safety Hands-On Training Schedule:
January 4th, 2025: Class starts at 8:30 AM
March 15th, 2025: Class starts at 8:30 AM –Cancelled due to low enrollment and snow conditions. Check back for 2025-2026 youth training schedule.
Born after December 31st, 1976? Then you need to successfully complete a Minnesota approved Snowmobile Safety Course and hands-on training before riding on public lands and designated snowmobile trails. www.snowmobilecourse.com is a delegated provider for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Youth riders must complete their online Minnesota Snowmobile Safety Course prior to the hands-on training. Register for your online course here: Official Minnesota Snowmobile Safety Course | SNOWMOBILEcourse.com
Our Club hosted two (2) youth snowmobile safety training events at our Chisholm clubhouse during the 2022-2023 season. Nearly 50 kids participated in the training courses. Due to a lack of snow the club had to cancel its scheduled hands-on safety training during the 2023-2024 season.
Special thanks to Conservation Officer Marc Johnson for participating in the training and talking to the kids about snowmobile safety.
Click here for a list of Traditional Snowmobile Safety classes in your area.
*Find a Field Day/Riding Performance Course
Minnesota requires snowmobile certification by law for anyone born after December 31, 1976. Adult snowmobile safety certification is for snowmobile operators age 16 and over.
Complete one of the following:
The adult course is designed to show the student the most common causes for snowmobile accidents in Minnesota, and how to avoid becoming an accident statistic. Upon successful completion of the Online Snowmobile Safety Course, the student will complete self-certification procedures to print their Snowmobile Certificate.
For general information, please call (888) 646-6367, (651) 296-6157, or (800) 366-8917, or email your name and address to info.dnr@state.mn.us.